The power of personal testimony

The Alpha course attracts positive and negative comment.

Consider, for example, the story of Simon Dixon, a talented musician who began the piano at the age of 5. Simon’s story is too long to go into all the detail here but a full career in church music, teaching, conducting and concerts filled his life, ‘music was really like a god to me’, he said.

In 1989 Simon was invited by friends to a Billy Graham crusade. He went forward more out of curiosity than anything else and experienced an overwhelming sensation of warmth and emotion as he prayed for Jesus to come into his life. Afterwards he attended an Alpha course to learn more about the Christian faith.

Simon’s comment about his Christian experience so far is classic, “I feel that God has literally plucked me out of darkness… “

Have you a story to tell of your first encounter with Christ which changed your life ?

Lord, we know that thou rejoicest
O’er each work of thine;
Thou didst ears and hands and voices
For thy praise design;
Craftsmen’s art and music’s measure
For thy pleasure
All combine