The Plumb Line

Having read the passage in Amos 7 where God shows Amos a plumb line alongside a wall, I was interested to find out more about being ‘true to plumb’. First of all, plumb isn’t a misspelling of plum. It’s not a fruit that’s dangling on the end of the line! Apparently, it’s a derivation of ‘plon’ the French word for lead as it’s a lead weight traditionally that’s hung on a line to determine perfect verticality through the power of gravity.

It seems a primitive way to measure accuracy in 2024, but I’m assured it’s still commonly used. It ensures accurate elevation data in surveying and land measurement; it helps infer subsurface structures in geological exploration and it’s used in gravity experiments to indicate variations. It’s used in astronomy to align telescopes, measure celestial co-ordinates and the zenith direction. In arts and photography, plumb lines are used to create accurate compositions, achieving balance and perspective. A simple device but with many functions in science, art and construction.

But that’s none of those purposes was what the Lord meant when he said, “I am setting a plumb line among my people Israel; I will spare them no longer.” (Amos 7:8). God was speaking to his prophet Amos about the nation of Israel – just as builders may use a plumb line to ensure straight walls, spiritually God was looking at Israel’s alignment with God’s standard of truth and righteousness.

So, what about us, today? The plumb line reminds us to evaluate our lives against God’s standards, correcting any deviations. The verticality of the line signifies stability and unwavering faith. Is our faith unwavering? It needs to be if the walls of our life are secure and well built (– remember the house built on a rock). When we align ourselves with God’s truth, we find stability and resilience. This encourages regular review and introspection. Regular self-examination helps us keep on course. God uses the plumb line to measure our hearts – He looks on the inside- to reveal areas where we need correction, adjustment or gentle tweaks. It’s a call to repentance and transformation.

The plumb line serves as a reminder to live uprightly, anchored in God’s truth.