The origin of Evil – DVD Review

The Origin of Evil  by Chuck Missler (dvd)   Koinonia House Europe, 2008  120 minutes  $19.99

  “There is an evil which I have seen under the sun and it is heavy among men” (Ecclesiastes 6 : 1)

Chuck Missler, who died in 2018, was an experienced and very knowledgeable Bible expositor. His background in science and technology coupled with a first class research team, is more that apparent in both sessions of this dvd.

The first session explores in depth and detail the Biblical evidence for the Satan and the mystery of his fall from power and grace.

Since the Satan in the form of a serpent (is the Satan a shapeshifter ?), was already there in Genesis chapter 3, how do we know when and how and why he fell from his position as the highest of all the angels ? We are given a significant clue, according to Dr Missler, in the ‘gap’ between verses 1 and 2 of the first chapter of Genesis.

The research behind this presentation is coherent and impressive, including a scientific excursus as well as evidence from the Bible – Isaiah and Ezekiel, in particular.

Session 2 goes on to explore the unseen world where spiritual warfare takes place and provides more scientific data to reinforce the idea of reality or realities behind the reality that we all experience.

To round off the story of the evil one, we are taken into the apocalyptic visions of Revelation where the Satan meets his deserved and inglorious end.

In sum, this is an engaging exploration of an important matter in the Christian faith.

You might need to view it more than once to absorb all that the presenter has to offer.