The only way is……

Thought for the day on 2 wheels!
(This series of Thoughts for the Day were inspired whilst taking a week’s break in Eastbourne with my friend Rev Rach Ward, a Minister in the Leeds South and West Circuit, previously a Local Preacher in the Ipswich Circuit)

3. The only way is……

Our 3rd trip out on two wheels saw us travelling along the now familiar sea front at Eastbourne, as well as narrow country lanes that were completely unknown to us. Being sensible cyclists, we plotted a route, uploaded it to our various navigation devices and duly set off, (with rain gear ready!). Once again, we had to climb the Z bends, which now didn’t seem quite so frightening. At the summit of the (first!) hill, God showed us that sometimes we cannot always have sunshine.  Having donned the waterproofs, we freewheeled downwards, only to be told by the route navigation that we needed to continue along the same road. The only problem was, that it was straight up. (No Z bends to help this time!)

After a lung busting climb, and a sweaty red-faced rest at the top, we continued on our way, until we came to a right turn. Surely not! It was a sheep track up, yet another, hill to the Long Man of Wilmington, a giant chalk carving on the steep slope of Windover hill.

A quick look at the map and alternative route was found, still giving us a spectacular view of the said Long Man.

What we hadn’t appreciated when planning our route was the contours and the road surface involved. If you look at the picture the route looks simple, and the elevation under the picture doesn’t do justice to what it was in “real life.”

Sometimes we think we have got our faith clearly mapped out. We may even think we can take a shortcut. However, it is only when we start out on the journey of faith that the up and downs become apparent. We may have to rest along the way, we may have to “get off and walk”, but God is there to guide us. When we have to make a change of direction, he will guide is along the correct path, and who knows what we will see along the way.

Prayer: Almighty God, show us the way you want us to travel. We know it may not be easy. There will be rain as well as sunshine. There will be ups and downs. We may have to change direction. However, we know that you will guide us safely home, and you will show us the wonder of your creation along the way. AMEN