The mountain top experience

On two separate occasions I have forked out good money to ride to the top of Snowdon in one of their trusty little trains and both occasions have been memorable and one day I would love to repeat the experience. I have been enticed into making this journey each time with pictures like the one above, friends have enthused about the stunning views from the top of the mountain, surveying the Snowdonia National Park.  Sadly on both of my experiences, the train has climbed into cloud and as I’ve stood at the summit and surveyed the panorama, all I have seen is thick fog and true to my stereotype I have resented parting with the money.  Even robbed of the view I was anticipating, there is still something very special about standing on the mountain top. I guess that I could have been forgiven feeling disgruntled, if I had actually climbed the mountain, rather than riding up on a train!

There is something special about mountain climbing, not that I am particularly an expert on the subject, I have climbed to the top of Ingleborough on three occasions, which linked with my two experiences of Snowdon makes me a mere novice.  Whether travelling by train, or doing it the more difficult way, there is always that feeling of anticipation as you climb.  Mountains have a tendency to play games with the mind, thinking that you have almost reached the summit, only to find a further, often steeper climb ahead.  Then there is the mountain top experience, even shrouded in cloud, the summit of Snowden is special, just knowing that you are standing at one of the highest points in the nation. I remember standing at the summit of Ingleborough and taking in the view, stunning! Of course the reality is that as we stand on the mountain top, the truth is that we need to make our way back down.

The season of Lent begins this coming week and it is tradition that on the last Sunday before Lent that we remember the Bible story where Jesus takes three of his disciples up a mountain and at the top Jesus meets with two men, Moses and Elijah, great leaders from Old Testament stories and as Jesus speaks with them, his appearance changes before them.  This story is known today in the Christian Church as “The Transfiguration of Christ” and is one of those stories that some people have difficulties with.  Regardless of how you feel about such Bible stories like this, the mountain top experience is something that most of us can relate to, for some, that will mean reliving memories of physically standing at the top of a mountain, in a special place, or for others, it will be memorable moments in our lives that have been challenging and life changing for us.

I treasure those moments in life when I think “life can never be the same again!” and I encourage you to think for a moment right now about your own mountain top experiences, what made them special, who were you with? How did you feel?


We thank you God for the mountain top experiences in our lives, help us to appreciate those moments when you challenge us to do great things and the feelings of fulfillment when we achieve our full potential.  Help us to strive once more for the mountain tops in our lives.  Amen