The Message of Romans : God’s good news for the world

The Message of Romans : God’s good news for the world  by John RW Stott  IVP, 1994
(The Bible speaks Today) with Study Guide   432 pages £12   ISBN 978 0 851 111 438

There are so many commentaries on Paul’s letter to the Christians in Rome that it would be difficult to rate this commentary by John Stott in comparison with the many others without knowing the many others..

One can say, however, that this commentary is quite excellent. One would expect nothing less from a man of John Stott’s calibre and ability.

Careful, thoughtful, instructive and informative are the hallmarks of John Stott’s exegesis and exposition.

Four pages of bibliography give an indication of of his wide reading, clearly revealed in his honest quoting of different interpretations with which he does not always agree, giving detailed reasons for his own interpretation and understanding of the texts in question.

Paul’s letter to the Romans has been described as ‘a gateway to heaven’.

More prosaically, Paul gives a complete picture of the gospel -‘the fullest and grandest in the New Testament’.

This commentary is a boon for preachers and lay people alike.