“The Lords Day”

Thought of the day – Sunday 21st June 2020

We often refer to Sunday as “the Lord’s Day” and even though it is fourteen weeks since Sunday looked like the kind of Sunday many of us have grown up with and it still feels very strange not attending Sunday worship.

Today is Father’s Day and I have never quite understood the idea of Father’s Day, I guess that years ago, when Mothering Sunday, became “Mothers Day” to many, dads felt as though their noses were bing pushed out and hence the gender in balance was corrected.

The text from Psalm Psalm 118 reminds us that each day of our life is the day that he Lord has made and perhaps at the beginning of each new day we should remind ourselves that this is God’s Day.  Every single day of our lives is lived in discipleship of the who created the world and everything in it.

I find it sad that on this Sunday, people will show their fathers how much they appreciate them , by sending cards and gifts, making phone calls and even visiting, so long as social distancing rules are complied with.  I would like to suggest that we ought to appreciate the ones we love every day of our lives, not just one day a year. The same should therefore apply to the God who loves us unconditionally, I long to join people again in public worship, sing favourite hymns and share in fellowship over a cuppa with friends. 

In the meantime, everyday is special, because it is the day that the Lord has made and we should rejoice and be glad in it.