The Great Mystery : Science, God and the Human Quest for Meaning by Alister McGrath
Hodder & Stoughton, 2018 247 pages £10.99 also available as an ebook
ISBN 978 1 473 634 336
This is a book about fundamental questions written by an Oxford Professor of Science and Religion
who is a first class communicator.
In just 200 pages the author focuses on the fascinating field of human identity – Who are we ?
Why are we here ? What is our future ? Are we alone ?
What can the Christian faith add, if anything, to the enormous knowledge we gain from biology and
anthropology ?
The breadth of reading and research is amply documented with nearly 30 pages of references.
This is a masterly study of science, God and the human quest for meaning, with frequent reference
to those who do not share Christian convictions.
As always with Prof. McGrath, stimulating and well worth reading.