The future of Digital services

Please note that we are making some changes to our digital services from the beginning of June. 

Sadly, Rev Joan Pell and her husband Adrian who have been preparing these services since the beginning of the pandemic are moving back to America this summer so can obviously not be expected to continue with this piece of ministry. 

The Leadership Team in the Circuit owe Joan and Adrian a great debt of gratitude for this work, which we know has been appreciated, both by people in the Ipswich Circuit and beyond.

From the beginning of June, we will be preparing a printed act of worship for every Sunday, with links to YouTube clips for the hymns and the words printed if you don’t have a book at home.  This can be used either at home, or as a basis for public worship if there is no preacher available.  The same person who has prepared the printed service will record a video sermon, which can also be used in Church, or watched at home.

Please remember Joan and Adrian in your prayers as they move on to the next stage in their ministry.