The Best Wine

I’ve just re-read the story of Jesus’ first miracle, turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana. I love this story. It’s not a life and death situation. It’s to do with someone not doing their job properly, not ordering enough wine and Jesus stepping in to save their embarrassment.  It’s a story of an every day situation with an extraordinary outcome.

There is no doubt from the narrative that it was water that went into the jars and wine that came out – not just any wine either but the best! And a lot of it – more than 100 gallons (450 litres). So, why when there was starvation and hardship, misery and disease did Jesus use His first miracle to save the embarrassment of someone who hadn’t done their job properly?

Yes, there’s speculation and suggestion that this was a sign to show the comparison of the new era of God’s Kingdom in comparison with the teachings of the Torah and how one replaces and betters the other. But He could have shown that in other ways.

I love to think of Jesus being at an every day celebration – that was really special to those involved – and making it a great time for them. He was with his family and friends, enjoying the moment – He wasn’t expecting to have to intervene, He said as much to His mother, but He did and He made it the best.

Whatever we do, wherever we go, whatever our worries or fears or joys. Jesus is always interested. He always cares. This is the God who can change the ordinary to the extraordinary in the blink of an eye. Nothing is too small or trivial to bring to Him.


You know everything about us – what worries us and what makes us smile. And You care.

We cannot comprehend how or why You love us that much, but we are so thankful that You do.

Forgive us when we don’t confide in You. Forgive us when we don’t find the time to talk to You.

Thank You for always listening when we do.
