“The Amazon with Robson Green” Part 2

 In the final episode Robson visited a floating village. At the time of filming the water level was quite low so the villagers had redirected part of the river to actually keep the houses floating. When they weren’t floating it caused problems with how the people travelled. The lady who acted as a guide was the school driver but her vehicle was a boat. The school was a floating building as well. I wonder how the children here would have coped with that! She welcomed everyone into her home and prepared a meal for them. It was a fish stew. Fish is one of the staples of their diet.

The people do not have much in the way of worldly goods but they were happy and content and willing to share.

 One of the other buildings which they had was a floating church. This made me think about how we would worship if we had to take a boat to get there. Sometimes it’s difficult enough to welcome people who have a relatively easy journey so imagine staggering off a swaying vessel to step onto another slightly moving platform. As I write this my vertigo is saying to me, “Oh no.”

There are many different ways to worship and give thanks and we are blessed to have an easier physical journey than some. 

Thank You Lord that through some really good television programmes we can learn about and from people whom we will never meet.