
On the second Thursday of each month at 7.30pm we hold a Folk Cafe in Trinity. It provides a very welcoming space for people who wish to sing, play a musical instrument, recite poetry or to just come and enjoy listening.

In May of this year one of our elderly gentlemen had a stroke. The stroke affected his ability to read and even though he knows the words to the songs he always likes to have a printed copy where he can see them. In August he came back to the cafe and with the support of his wife and a couple of friends he sang again. He has the most beautiful strong clear voice and thankfully that has not changed. Quite a few of us were in tears. We were all so delighted to hear him sing again. Coincidentally the gentleman who performed immediately afterwards played “Oh Lord my God how great thou art.”

I, personally, have gotten to know so many new people through this Folk Cafe. The support given to each other is wonderful and I’m very grateful to Anne and Ian Clarke who organise the event. 

Prayer: Thank you Lord that we are able to provide a safe space for people of faith, of little faith and people with no faith to meet up. Thank you for the musical talents you give to folk and for the support and love that they are able to share with others. But mostly, thank you, for always being there, leading us in the right direction so that we can show your love to others.