
As some of you will know I like a variety of teas and, usually drink it black so I can taste the tea.  I have green tea with lemon for breakfast, Lady Grey for lunch and green tea in the afternoon.  Perhaps you are thinking “Ugh” or what has that got to do with a Thought for the Day.

I came across this quote from William Gladstone:

If you are cold, tea will warm you;
If you are too heated, it will cool you;
If you are depressed, it will cheer you;
If you are excited, it will calm you.

Good advertisement for tea.

At the beginning of our first lockdown I found it very difficult and was getting quite depressed and uptight.  I started asking Jesus for help with something each day and found a calmness and cheerfulness.  So lockdown then became quite easy.  This lockdown seems harder to many people, probably because we have all had enough and thought it would be a lot better by now. I remembered how I had coped before and am repeating it again.

So, when I have one of my many cups of tea I remember some of William Gladstone’s quote and relate it to my relationship with Jesus which has grown.  We are so fortunate in having our faith and can “count our blessings one by one”.

Although it is cold outside we can feel warm inside in the knowledge that Jesus loves us and is always with us through thick and thin.

Now where’s the kettle for that cup of tea!!