'thought for the day' Tagged Posts


One of the things that caught my attention upon first arriving in Ipswich was the Question Mark Sculpture outside the waterfront campus building of the University of Suffolk. It seemed to symbolise the power of curiosity, the spirit of inquiry, and the search for understanding. Questions, after all, are the best way to uncover answers.…

When words fail

The Prayer Handbook points out that today is kept, in the Catholic Church particularly, as the Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary. It is the day when the mother of Jesus ‘fell asleep’ and of her bodily assumption into heaven. That language is outside my comfort zone and for years would have deterred me from…

Wildflower Seeds

In the Ipswich Round this week the Climate Action Group’s tip for ways to be green says, “Plant wild flower seeds. Not only will you enjoy the flowers, you can also enjoy a wider variety of wildlife enjoying them too.” I was watching the news last week and there was an article about using dogs…


A week ago, we elected a new Government; but writing this over the weekend before the election I am at a disadvantage. I have a shrewd idea of the outcome but not its detail. Of one thing I am sure, however confident our new leadership may appear to us, there will be things they must…


Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Rev Saul Tadzaushe Our world, yes, our world needs revival now! Our World today is a fascinating world yet a paradoxical situation. On one side of the coin, we seem to be in a post Christian era, churches closed, buildings sold numbers declining. It appears…


Continuing on the theme of the fruits of the Spirit, I was reminded of kindness through the simple acts of a local lady just a few weeks back. I had the unfortunate luck to be involved in a minor road traffic accident in May. Having been knocked off my bike I came to sitting on…

Role Models

It was only when it was over that I learned that Saturday 8th June 2024 had been designated as “Dave’s Day” a day to remember the TV presenter and half of the “Hairy Bikers” duo who died at the end of February this year following a two-year battle with cancer.  Around six thousand motorcycles travelled…

Complete with free hairdryer!

It was my husband’s birthday in May. He was born in 1950 and one of the little presents which our son gave him was a packet of information about things in the 1950’s. I found it really interesting to read about some of the foods and equipment used all those years ago. The photo is…

Prayer changes things

I remember my Grandma having a small plaque that had these three words on; I read it every time I went into her kitchen and sat with her. She lived just down the road, so I would be there at some point on most days. I’ve always been interested in words and letters, so it…

Ancient and Modern

Those of you reading this who have childhood memories of going to church may be able to remember the first hymn book you used. My faith journey can be traced by the hymn books I have used and the hymns I have known and loved. The first was Hymns Ancient and Modern, with no hint…