'methodist church' Tagged Posts (Page 9)

Prayer changes things

I remember my Grandma having a small plaque that had these three words on; I read it every time I went into her kitchen and sat with her. She lived just down the road, so I would be there at some point on most days. I’ve always been interested in words and letters, so it…

Ancient and Modern

Those of you reading this who have childhood memories of going to church may be able to remember the first hymn book you used. My faith journey can be traced by the hymn books I have used and the hymns I have known and loved. The first was Hymns Ancient and Modern, with no hint…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 30th June 2024

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                 Year B                             30th June 2024. Lectionary readings:  Lamentations 3 v22-33;        Psalm 30;       2 Corinthians 8 v7-15;        Mark 5 v21-43. The flow of God’s love. At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee, Luke records Jesus quoting from the book of the prophet Isaiah. ‘The Lord’s Spirit has come…