This week, our 10 minute service reflects on Psalm 63:3.
This week, our 10 minute service reflects on Psalm 63:3.
Twenty-ninth Sunday in ordinary Time Year B 20th October 2024. Lectionary readings: Isaiah 53 v4-12; Psalm 91 v9-16; Hebrews 5 v1-10; Mark 10 v35-45. A lesson about ‘Kingship’. James and John asked Jesus if they could sit beside him when he ‘came into his glory’ Jesus was disappointed by their request for places of honour.…
This week, our Bite Sized Service reflect on Romans 10:9-10.
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B 13th October 2024. Lectionary Readings: Amos 5 v6-7, 10-15; Psalm 90 v12-17; Hebrews 4 v12-16; Mark 10 v17-31. Money can’t buy you love. In Mark’s account of Jesus’ encounter with a rich man, Jesus acknowledges that the unnamed man is sincere in his desire for eternal life.…
This week, our 10 minute service reflects on Psalm 23.
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B 6th October 2024. Lectionary Readings: Genesis 2 v18-24; Psalm 8; Hebrews 1 v1-4, 2 v5-12; Mark 10 v2-16. Bonds of love. Jesus said, “I promise you that you cannot get into God’s kingdom unless you accept it the way a child does.” (Mark 10 v15). Babies and…
Our 10 minute service this week, reflects on James 4:6.
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year B 29th September 2024. Lectionary Readings: Numbers 11 v4-29; Psalm 19 v7-14; James 5 v13-20; Mark 9 v38-50. For and Against. John said, “Teacher, we saw a man using your name to force demons out of people. But he was not one of us, and we told…
Pure Joy : rediscover your conscience by Christopher Ash IVP, 2012 £10.99 205 pages ISBN 978 1 844 745 852 “We all need to engage with this timely book,” so says Jonathan Lamb, chairman of Keswick Ministries. It is indeed a first class book dealing with conscience in all its complexity. In just 200 pages and…
This week, our 10 minute Bite Sized service, reflects on Philippians 3:7-11.