Superintendents Message – 16th July 2022

Dear friends,

The Rev Timothy Dudley-Smith is one of our most prolific twentieth century hymn writers with around four hundred hymns to his name.  I was looking at one of his hymns, number 684 in Singing the Faith which begins “Here on the threshold of a new beginning” and in it he reawakens the Spirit filled vision of St John as recorded in the book of the Revelation.  In many ways, I feel that we are standing at the threshold of a new beginning at the moment.  God is already doing amazing things around the Circuit as a whole and my vision is that while so many churches are battening down the hatches and giving up, I spend my time with Church communities who are open to the guiding of the Spirit and sharing the gospel truths in creative ways. As July works through, we have an opportunity to say goodbye to Martin Dawes and Joan Pell on Sunday 24th July at 3pm at Landseer Road Church in Ipswich.  Martin and Joan have brought much to the life of the Circuit and God has moved his Church on through their ministry and it would be good to have a large gathering to wish them both well in the next stage of their life of service.

The Circuit Meeting agreed on Thursday 7th July 2022 that the Circuit structure moving forward for the foreseeable future will be divided into four Mission Areas, and we will continue to use the term “mission area” not because it sounds better than “section” but because that is the purpose of the Church, to be the place of mission into the community around us, the Circuit will be divided in this way: –

Northern Mission Area:

Including Churches at Framlingham, Kelsale, Knodishall, Orford, Peasenhall & Sibton, and Woodbridge and will be led by Rev Saul Tadzauche.

Felixstowe Mission Area:

The four Felixstowe Churches put together a plan in 2021 “Vision 2021” and among other aspects of their work, they formulated a plan to create one Felixstowe Methodist Church, which would operate under one administration, with one Church Council, but maintain the four different buildings as bases for worship and mission.  Vision 2021 has now developed into “Vision 2022” and Rev Abe Konadu-Yiadom will continue to develop this work when she arrives in September this year.

The eleven remaining Churches in and around Ipswich will continue with me picking up Joan’s three Churches and Andrew Sankey and Ian Gardner looking after their current Churches:

From September 2023 we plan to re shape like this: –

Ipswich Urban Mission Area:

Including Churches at Alan Road, Bramford Road, Chantry, Landseer Road, and Museum Street Churches.  I plan to look after these five Churches during my final year in the Circuit, we will then look for a new Superintendent during the summer of 2023 to take over from me when I move on in 2024.

Ipswich Rural Mission Area:

Including Churches at Bramford, Brantham, Capel St Mary, Chelmondiston, Elmsett, and Holbrook.  We have just started the process of writing a profile to find a new minister for the summer of 2023, Rev Ian Gardner will continue to look after Brantham, so long as he feels able.

There! I’ve reached the bottom of the page, I’ll fill you in with more of our plans in the future, but please remember, ministers aren’t miracle workers, we will only achieve the new heaven and the new earth in fellowship with one another, and the Holy Spirit!

With best wishes for the next couple of weeks, I’ll be in touch when I return from my holiday.
