
The Thought for the Day is from Psalm 66 v 10.

“For you, God, tested us; you refined us like silver.”

A talented violinist was scheduled to play before a very critical audience. Although she had a fine instrument, she was not satisfied with the quality of its sound. So, she said to her father, “This violin must yield its full resonance and vibration of tone. I’m going out to buy some tested strings.” When asked what tested strings were, she replied, “First they’re put on a rack and stretched and strained to take all the vacillation out of them. Then they are hammered and put through an acid test. This is what enables them to produce a perfect and full tone.”

When she attached the tested strings and tuned the instrument, the music was noticeably more warm and rich than before.

If our lives are going to produce beautiful music for the Lord, testing is imperative. Although we don’t enjoy the stretch, the strain and the stress, what God-honouring results they can produce. At the minute I’m seeing spots before my eyes as I have been watching the sun come out from behind a cloud. God is reminding me that there is light after darkness.

We are all being stretched and tested at the minute and we need to support each other to get through the next weeks. Can we pray for all those who are really struggling with the current situation? Students who are very anxious about what they should do for the best, parents worried about their children and childcare and all those who will be in financial difficulties.

A prayer:

Lord, please be with us all and give strength and wisdom to ease the anxiety. Help us to remember that the trials of life are intended to make us better, not bitter. Lord, we give thanks that you are always there for us. Amen