Staying on Course

1 Timothy 1 v 5.
The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith

When you set sail on the high seas you need to know three important facts: your location, your destination and your course. By referring to a map and using a compass you can end up where you want to go.

How does a follower of Christ stay on course and avoid spiritual shipwreck? By carefully reading and following the directions in God’s word, depending on the Spirit’s leading and listening to the wise counsel of Christian friends. To stay on course trust the compass of God’s word.

Yesterday when I was out for my daily walk on the prom one of the large ships was leaving the port. Where I live we can watch these ships from our front window and when we moved to Felixstowe I regularly called Drew to come and look at another one. I started to think, as I was walking, about the crew of this ship.

How long had they been on board? How many of them were there and when had they last seen their families?  How do they cope when storms can throw them off course? I believe that sometimes the crew can be away for 2 years before they get home.

Please pray for all the sailors as they bring supplies of so many items to our country from all over the world. Pray that God will keep them safe and well.