“Stay Active, Keep Smiling”

Thought for the day – Saturday 13th June 2020

I was lucky enough to compete at the World Masters Games in Aukland, New Zealand a few years ago. It is a 4-yearly event, like the Olympics, so the next WM Games is to be held in 2021 in Kansai, Japan. The organisers have sent out a lovely, encouraging email to all athletes around the world. It was sport orientated, so we have edited out the sport references and made it applicable to everyone. I hope it helps.

Elizabeth Welbourn

“We are fully aware of the current terrible situation caused by the pandemic of COVID‑19. Some people reading this may be lost in a deep sadness, some people may feel anxiety.
We wish no more damage will happen in your daily life.
We have been proudly expressing greatness of life that enables to break any barriers in the World, and always connect every people regardless of who you are, where you are from, what you achieved We believe life beyond any borders, but at the same time, now we have to accept the fact – this is also true in virus.

The current situation keenly shows the fact that peace is essential to enjoy life.
Unfortunately, we can’t do anything to stop this tragic incident, we can only pray for things will blow over as soon as possible.

Even in such a difficult situation, however, we all need to have a hope which empowers you to live and keep you away from despair.
Even if now you are being forced to stay at home because of a lockdown, believe this; the night is long that never finds the day

We really wish to be a hope to generate the spirit of unity that we absolutely need to overcome this challenge together, globally. 

Imagine that you yourself will be enjoying engaging with wonderful people from around the World in 2021.

Imagine your friends around the World may also have a hope to be with you in 2021. 

Stay Active, Keep Smiling.”