St Patrick

My younger son was born on this day some 30 plus years ago, and has been forever grateful to have been born on St Patrick’s Day. Celebrations usually include a pint or two of the famous Irish beer!

Although St Patrick is known as the patron saint of Ireland, he was born in England, (the precise location is uncertain). His father was a decurion, (senator and tax collector) and his grandfather was a priest from Bonaven Tabernia. So, Patrick had English and Roman blood. He was clearly from a family of some wealth, but this did not protect him from capture, at the age of 16, by Irish pirates and transportation to Ireland where he had to work as a herdsman and shepherd for six years.

It is during this time of captivity that he developed spiritually and his faith grew through reflection and prayer.

After six years he escaped back to Britian, and travelled to Europe to study theology. In his early days of study he had a vision of a man handing him a letter from the people of Ireland pleading with him to return to Ireland. Patrick did in fact return to Ireland, although he was initially not welcomed by the locals. However, he was eventually welcomed and ultimately became bishop of Ireland.

Here we have a man who choses to live amongst the people who enslaved him. Having escaped from his captors he could have turned his back on them, he is not deterred by antipathy towards him, he perseveres, he uses prayer as his means of spiritual development.

PRAYER: So often Lord we avoid those people who make life difficult for us, or we are put off by antipathy and hostility. Help us to recognise when your will for us is not to go into danger, but when you do call us, give us the strength, we pray, to face those difficulties in your power and not our own. May we recognise the necessity and encouragement found in prayer, and use those times to grow closer to you, and to discern your will.  AMEN