While I was washing up the other morning and looking out of the kitchen window, I was watching the birds eating me out of house and home with the seeds on the bird table.  What a wonderful sight – there were sparrows and our faithful robin and his wife (I think!) and the blackbird and wood pigeons catching everything falling – food for all.

Then my attention was brought to the daffodils gently moving in the breeze and the tete a tete, crocuses and hyacinths.  Another wonderful sight.

God is good and we can see the wonder of creation all around us.

My thoughts continued to think about all those people who don’t have a garden or, perhaps, even a window box.  People who live in our cities or who aren’t well enough to go out.

Then there is Ukraine, and my heart goes out to those people whose lives have suddenly been shattered.  People like you and me, it makes me so sad to see families torn apart, properties bombed.  I keep praying for a ceasefire, as I am sure you all do so that we can see the end of some of the suffering.

I am reminded of the prayer that God answers all things we ask, but not always in our timescale or how we would wish.  But that shouldn’t stop us praying and asking.

Dear Lord, we cannot understand completely what is going on in Ukraine and Russia, but we do pray that it will all come to an end soon to stop the suffering of your people in those countries.   Amen.