Cobwebs, of which there are many, are something to be be brushed away in my house. No sooner has one been removed, than another appears. However one misty morning recently I noticed this beautiful cobweb in our front garden. It was hanging complete between the stalks of various plants in a flower bed, and was all the more obvious because of the dew drops glistening on the strands of silk. Each drop looked like a tiny pearl laying equidistant from the next drop along the entire network, and each drop was the same size as the next.
The web was so intricate, starting in the centre and radiating out to the edges, hanging like a ruffled curtain.
In our faith, do we sometimes brush aside those things that we think are of no value, or unimportant, as I brush aside those annoying cobwebs that seem to appear within minutes?
Do we sometimes ignore the tiny pearls of wisdom, and the intricacy contained within the Big picture within the Bible?
Just as I was amazed at finding this beautiful cobweb, so I am amazed at the truths that can be found as I attempt to study God’s word.
Prayer: Loving God, with thank you for the beauty to be found in the ordinary, for the intricacy of your Creation. May we see the beauty of your Word, and the way the truth weaves through Scripture to produce something as beautiful as a dew drop cobweb. AMEN