“Speak to God”

Thought for the day – Thursday 16th July 2020

A couple of times recently people have told me how they have found the way they communicate with God has changed during lock-down.

One person said that they were finding that they can now talk to Jesus ‘directly’ rather than feeling they had to go through a minister or someone else.

I found this very encouraging as a sign that their faith is growing. Maybe the lack of formal services has caused us all to consider how we pray and not to be so rigid in our thinking about this. 

Another person said that they had found themselves shouting at God in frustration.

We agreed that God probably copes quite well with this and would much rather we are honest with Him than to pretend that all is well when it doesn’t feel like it.

I think the Psalms are really helpful in this and show us that we should express real emotion when talking to our Heavenly Father.

Ultimately I guess it all boils down to relationship; and like any relationship we communicate with God in a variety of ways. The most important thing is that we do !!

Keep in touch with Him.