Sons in Law

The rogues gallery on our landing shows five generations of the family on one side or the other. A dive into a cupboard could get me back a little further and a what a range of achievements and views, long and short lives, successes and failures, there are. All people who were and are loved dearly by those who knew and know them.

A little while ago my son-in law received the backing of the Church Meeting at St Mary Cray to begin formal studies as a Lay Preacher in the United Reformed Church. To my certain knowledge that gets us to seven generations of involvement in the United Reformed, formerly Congregational Church. There have been Anglicans, Baptists, and Methodists too. Every generation has preachers, and one, a missionary. Women have been as significant as men throughout but curiously, the lay preaching gift has mainly moved down the generations via sons in law and daughters-in-law and one grandson, me.

Nowhere have there been fathers and sons doing the same work, but fathers and daughters certainly have shared it. Nichola and I are the only preaching couple in the family. An irrelevant observation in the scheme of things but it makes a point about how God calls us to support one another and be supported. I am also aware of the blessing of being able to share in a family context what many people are doing alone, with toleration (perhaps), but no support.

Today’s reading from 2 Thessalonians (1:12) talks about perseverance and faith. Paul calls for prayer for those working in challenging circumstances. I am certain that my great-aunt was nurtured by family prayer when she travelled to China with the London Missionary Society well before the second world war.

Sam’s recent affirmation reminded me not to take for granted the life of the family. We are so fortunate.

A prayer

We pray for those who serve your Church, Lord Jesus, in any way. Particularly we pray for those whose calling is not understood, shared, or supported by those around them at home. May they never feel alone but in the company of your Holy Spirit. Amen.