“Small changes”

Thought for the day – Wednesday 17th June 2020

Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

“John, do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water, or do you want a chance to change the world?” That was the challenge Steve Jobs issued in 1983 to John Sculley, then president of Pepsi-Cola. Mr. Jobs was the creative genius behind Apple Computer. He knew that the soft-drink executive could help Apple make its mark on the computer world. Sculley accepted the bold challenge.

Jesus issued a challenge to three fishermen as they tended their nets. He commanded, “Follow Me!” (Mark 1 v 17). They did and with a handful of other ordinary men they changed the world.   We can either follow the world’s dead-end philosophies, or we can accept Jesus’ challenge to bring change to the world.   A disciple is known not for what he gives up but for what he takes up.

This week I’m going to paint my kitchen a slightly different colour. It will be just a small change in my surroundings. So many people are making small changes in the way they live because of this pandemic. Ordinary people are doing amazing things for others and hopefully this will continue when we are out of lock down.

I’m concerned at the moment that the genuine people who are trying to bring Black Lives Matter to the fore are being used by others as an excuse to cause damage and to be violent. Please pray for the members of the Police Force that they would be kept safe and well as they try to keep order at these demonstrations and that changes for the good will happen concerning racial injustice.

Small changes all brought together can lead to big changes.

God bless, Anna