Sleeping on it

This is the 4th week of Advent when we think of the love that came into the world. We also remember that part that Mary played in that nativity story. The gospel reading set for the 4th Sunday of Advent also tells of  the part played by Joseph. (Matthew 1:18-24)

He wasn’t one of the main characters, however he might have been the winner of best supporting actor for his role in this story.

Joseph has been engaged to Mary, possibly since they were small children. There are no immediate plans to marry, and then Joseph finds out Mary is pregnant, and there is no chance the baby could be his.

Joseph is left with a dilemma. Should he break off the engagement? He was a good man and did not want Mary to suffer public disgrace. Or perhaps he considered his own position. He might be seen as a cuckold, and the punishment for adultery at that time was public stoning. This option is not mentioned in the bible passage, and so I think we can assume that Joseph quickly dismissed that option.

What to do then? Joseph does what a lot of us do – he slept on it.

When I have a problem that is bugging me, unfortunately it often causes lack of sleep, and in my imagination gets blown out of all proportion.

For Joseph, however, the answer came to him in his sleep. “Marry her, yes she is pregnant, she will have a baby boy, and his name will be Jesus – “the Lord is Salvation.”

So for Joseph the answer was clear, this is a message from God, perhaps not the one he expected. The decision to stick by Mary would have cast doubts on his own innocence – they were not yet married and she was pregnant. Both Joseph and Mary would have to face that social stigma for the rest of their lives.

How often do we face dilemmas and God gives us the answer, but not the one we wanted or expected?

Sometimes the decisions we make in the name of Christ give us a label we might not want?

However, when we are facing problems and we take them to God in prayer, even silent prayer whilst we are asleep, then God gives us the answer and we can trust in Him.

Prayer: Loving heavenly Father, so often we lose sleep worrying. Help us to put our trust in you, and to hear and respond to your wise words, even if they are not what we would expect . AMEN