Show me:

It’s the greatest feeling in the world to know you are loved. Sometimes we say those three little words very glibly. We add it to the end of a phone call or text. Someone says it to us and we feel that we should say it back without really thinking about what we’re saying. Someone may say it and we carry on doing what we were doing without thinking about the gravity and importance of what’s being said. Maybe you remember the song ‘Show me’ from the musical ‘My Fair Lady’? Eliza Doolittle has had enough of words – she doesn’t want to be told she is loved – she wants to be shown.

She sings :”Don’t talk of stars burning above; if you’re in love, show me!

                    Tell me no dreams, filled with desire, if you’re on fire, show me!

                     Here we are together in the middle of the night! Don’t talk of spring! Just hold me tight!

                     Anyone who’s ever been in love’ll tell you that this is no time for a chat!”

God told His people all through the Old Testament how much He loved them.  He showed them through His faithfulness even though they turned their back on Him. Until, there was no other way He could make it obviously clear how much He loved them but by sending Himself, in the form of His precious Son to die and mend the rift between Himself and humanity.  God loves you that much.