She gave me my first Bible

In Lent we have space to think about Mothers and Mothering.  Here are some thoughts which come to mind, possibly to make the meaning of Mothering Sunday a bit deeper?

1.  She gave me my first Bible

She was a lovely woman, Mrs. C, and she lived next door to me when I was little.

Mrs. C was unusual.  At a time when people were giving up going to church, Mrs. C attended the Methodist Chapel every Sunday without fail.  Neither she nor her husband drank alcohol or smoked and neither had ever been heard to swear.  Every year she threw an amazing Christmas Party for the children of friends.  Everyone went if they could – the food and the prizes for the games were beyond anything we’d get elsewhere and did we feel spoiled!  Of course, as our mothers pointed out, Mrs. C had a job so they had two incomes coming in.  Mrs. C could go out to work – she had no children.

Mothering Sunday was hard for Mrs. C.  She loved children.  I spent many, many happy afternoons with her, my mother grateful for some time to “get on with things”.  Mrs. C would  tell me stories, but these were special stories – these were stories from the Bible.  And she never minded me asking questions – she’s the first person who tried to explain the concept and identity of the Holy Ghost to me when I asked who the Holy Ghost was.  I was about seven at the time and it stuck!

When I was six she gave me my first Bible.  We didn’t have a copy in our house so she gave me  one.  My Mother was not pleased, but didn’t dare take it away in case it upset her friend and neighbour.  As soon as I could, I read that Bible from cover to cover and it’s through that Bible I fell in love with Jesus.

So, let’s start thinking about Mothering Sunday.  Mothering is not just a physical thing, it’s to do with emotions and with the spirit.  My Mother in God was a very ordinary lady who introduced me to Jesus and gave me my first Bible.  I’ve never stopped thanking God for her.  As we approach Mothering Sunday – think about the people – male as well as female – who have mothered you in your life.  Think about the difference they made, give thanks for them and ask to be shown how you can be a mother to someone too.

Loving God, Father and Mother to us all, show us how to share your parent love with wisdom and kindness.  Use us to show your love and to make that difference which will draw others into your Kingdom.  In Jesus’ Name.   Amen