Printed service for Sunday 7th February

A service for Sunday 7th February 2021

Prepared by Derek Grimshaw

Call to Worship

The Lord heals the broken-hearted, and binds up their wounds.
The Lord determines the number of the stars; he gives to all of them their names.
Great is our Lord, and abundant in power.
(Psalm 147 vv3-5)

Hymn: 726 Come to us creative spirit                     Watch on Youtube

Come to us, creative Spirit,
in our Father’s house,
every natural talent foster,
hidden skills arouse,
that within your earthly temple
wise and simple
may rejoice.

Poet, painter, music-maker,
all your treasures bring;
artist, actor, graceful dancer,
make your offering;
join your hands in celebration!
Let creation
shout and sing!

Word from God eternal springing,
fill our minds, we pray,
and in all artistic vision
give integrity.
May the flame, within us burning,
kindle yearning
day by day.

In all places and for ever
glory be expressed
to the Son, with God the Father,
and the Spirit blest.
In our worship and our living,
keep us striving
towards the best.

David Mowbray (b. 1938)

Let us pray together

Creator God, we marvel at all that you have made, from vast galaxies to tiny flowers, from mountains and forests to the delicacy of a spider’s web. We marvel too that in your generosity you have given us the gift of creativity, we weave new materials out of old bottles and tyres, we find new ways to tell your age-old story of redemption and we learn new ways to heal and prevent disease.

Father forgive us that we have been arrogant and misused this gift of creativity, we have exploited the earth and each other, and cared only for ourselves. Teach us how to care for one another and the world as you care for us, that your will may be done and your kingdom come.

Assurance of forgiveness:

Here is good news: Jesus came into the world to save sinners to accept us as we are, set us free from evil’s power and enable us to live new lives in him. Amen.

Bible Reading    Isaiah 40: 21-31

Do you find that life at the moment appears to be draining as we do things differently?  One of my main problems is that of monotony, I get up on a morning, sit at my desk, make phone calls, answer e-mails, write articles, have Zoom meetings, read a bit, and go back to bed, just to do it all again tomorrow.  I used to moan when I had to go to Cambridge, or Sheringham, Thetford, Norwich, or Kings Lynn for meetings, driving for hours on end, those meetings all happen in my study at the moment.  It sounds ridiculous, but I feel more tired than I can remember feeling in the past.  I love this Bible passage from Isaiah, the chances are that Isaiah was surrounded by people who were weary and wanted a break and Isaiah reminds them of where our strength comes from


  • What have been your coping strategies during this time of Covid?  Try to think of a time when you were absolutely drained, exhausted, had nothing left to give?  Where did you find strength? How did you recover?
  • We all need encouragement when times get tough. Who are the people you rely on to keep you going when you have reached the end?  What are the characteristics they show? Do you have those characteristic yourself?
  • At what point do you turn to God? As a last resort? Or as a first point of call?  How encouraged are you by the words of Isaiah, that God is an everlasting God who will lift us, like being on the wings of Eagles?

Hymn 89              Strength will rise             Watch on Youtube

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord
Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord.

Our God, you reign forever
Our hope, our Strong Deliverer.

You are the everlasting God
The everlasting God
You do not faint You won’t grow weary.

You’re the defender of the weak
You comfort those in need
You lift us up on the wings
Like eagles.


Loving God, we pray for the community and country of which we are a part. For those who are exhausted with caring for others and long for a break. For those who have had enough of restrictions, of not being able to meet with friends and family, and feel they cannot stand it any longer, and for those who are angry and frightened, who feel their only hope is just to try and hang on until things get better.

Loving God, we pray for the leaders of the world, as they try and bring the pandemic under control. 

Give them the wisdom and courage to respect every human life and seek freedom, justice, and peace for all people.

Loving God we pray for the church, unite us by your Spirit, and enable us to witness to the hope we have in you.

Loving God, come to us now, as you have come to your people in every age. We thank you for all who have reflected the light of Christ. Help us to follow their example and bring us with them to live forever in your kingdom. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father ……

Bible Reading    Mark 1: 29-39:

There is an urgency to Mark’s Gospel, we are only 29 verses into the story, and it is though Mark is laying out, right at the beginning what the core agenda of the life of Jesus is all about, Jesus has quite literally just called the first four disciples and whether this passage is that day or soon after is unclear, but it seems obvious that Mark feels it important to express certain issues right from the start.  The ministry of Jesus is about healing and the news spreads fast about his extraordinary gifts.  The ministry of Jesus is absorbed in prayer and is about him proclaiming his message to the masses.  I believe that the current lockdown situation gives us an opportunity to reflect on our own Christian journey and ask ourselves what our agenda is.  


  • Most of us are currently missing the opportunity to meet together for public worship.  What is it that you are missing the most? Meeting with friends? Having a good sing together? Hearing the Bible readings? Hearing sermons? Being uplifted by the experience?
  • The story in the Gospel reading doesn’t take place in the temple, in a place of public worship, it happens in the home, how does your personal journey work out during the time when we are not in Church? Where do “proclaim the message” when not in and act of public worship?  
  • Where have you found God at work during this period of lockdown? Has your experience been limited to Church activities, or do you see God at work in the secular world?

Hymn:  Seek ye first the kingdom of God (StF254) Watch on Youtube

Seek ye first the kingdom of God,
and his righteousness,
and all these things shall be added unto you;

    Allelu-, alleluia:
   Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia,
  allelu-, alleluia!

Ask, and it shall be given unto you;
seek and ye shall find;
knock, and the door shall be opened unto to you;

    Allelu-, alleluia:

We shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word
that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord;

Allelu-, alleluia:

Karen Lafferty (b. 1948)

A prayer of blessing

May God, the giver of hope, fill us with all joy and peace because we trust in him, and the blessing of God Father, Son and Holy spirit be with us all. Amen