Easter Worship Service

This online worship service for Easter Day is from Museum Street Methodist Church and it was livestreamed today at 10.20 a.m. with the service starting at 10:30 a.m. The entire video is now available with ten minutes of music before the service begins at the 10 minute mark. We are sorry but there is a slight glitch in the sound for the first few minutes of the service, and a long silent pause before the final hymn, and a delay before the closing music. Rev. Joan Pell is preaching on A Promised Fulfilled with scripture from Mark 16:1-8.

Museum Street has a tradition of taking up a special Easter Offering to go to the Methodist Women in Britain (MWIB) Easter Offering Appeal. The money raised by the Easter Offering goes to the World Mission Fund of the Methodist Church in Britain. The World Mission Fund helps to support mission partners working overseas, nationals in mission appointments and overseas students in ministry training. It also allows the Church to make grants to Partner Churches for special projects. If you wish to make a donation, please: