The circuit produce a recorded video sermon each week . They are published on Sunday mornings at 6 a.m.
This weeks 10 minute service reflects on Isaiah 40 vs 30-31 and sing Strength will rise.
The circuit produce a recorded video sermon each week . They are published on Sunday mornings at 6 a.m.
This weeks 10 minute service reflects on Isaiah 40 vs 30-31 and sing Strength will rise.
Prof. David Welbourn is the preacher for this online worship service.
This weeks 10 minute service reflects on 1 Corinthians 1:30
Rev. Ian Gardner is the preacher for this online worship service.
This weeks 10 minute service reflects on Isaiah 28:16 – Jesus our Cornerstone.
Rev. Andrew Sankey is the preacher for this online worship service.
The 10 minute service this week reflects on John 1:4 and we sing Jesus, be the centre.
Rev. Jo Jacobs is the preacher for this online worship service.
This 10 minute service reflects on Matthew 21:9 and we sing Praise is rising.
Rev. Jane Cassidy is the preacher for this online worship service.