The circuit produce a recorded video sermon each week . They are published on Sunday mornings at 6 a.m.
This week, Rev. David Kemble reflect on John 4:23-24 and we sing Simplicity (Rend Collective).
The circuit produce a recorded video sermon each week . They are published on Sunday mornings at 6 a.m.
This week, Rev. David Kemble reflect on John 4:23-24 and we sing Simplicity (Rend Collective).
This weeks sermon is brought to us by Rev. Derek Grimshaw.
This week, our 10 minute service reflects on Matthew 11:28 and we sing, All the way my saviour leads me.
Rev. Derek Grimshaw brings us the recorded sermon for Sunday 26th June.
This week, in our 10 minute service, we sing Here is love and reflect on 1 John 4:10.
David Welbourn brings us the recorded sermon for Sunday 19th June, based on Galatians 3:23-4:7.
This week, our 10 minute service reflects on Psalm 63:4 and we sing Great is your faithfulness (unchanging)
Rev Andrew Sankey brings us this weeks Video Sermon
This week, our 10 minute service reflects on Isaiah 40:31 and we sing Lord I come to you.
Rev. Joan Pell is the preacher for this online worship service for Pentecost Sunday.