This weeks printed service is brought to us by David Welbourn.
This weeks printed service is brought to us by David Welbourn.
Local Preacher, Prof. David Welbourn, is the preacher for this online worship service for Trinity Sunday.
Local Preacher Prof. David Welbourn is the preacher for this online worship service. The title Freedom to Do as You Please was inspired by the reading from Paul’s first letter to Corinth; we will also ponder God’s call on our lives as we hear God calling the young boy Samuel to be a prophet.
Local preacher Prof. David Welbourn is the preacher for this online worship service. In his message, Risky Discipleship, he reflects on the parable of the talents.
This online worship service was led by Rev. Joan Pell with Prof. David Welbourn preaching. Scripture: Matthew 14:22-33. Hymns are from Singing the Faith, numbers 28 and 518. Video and audio available and the written text for the sermon. This is the second sermon in the five-week series living outside the box. We try to box…