Rev. Jo Jacobs is the preacher for this online worship service as we as we think about Jesus as the Good Shepherd.
Rev. Jo Jacobs is the preacher for this online worship service as we as we think about Jesus as the Good Shepherd.
Rev. Andrew Sankey brings us this weeks printed service which can be read online or printed.
Rev. Mike Cassidy is the preacher for this online worship service as we as we continue the Easter season
and hear the resurrection story about Thomas who, until he saw Jesus for himself, doubted the witness of the other disciples. What is the relationship between Faith and Doubt?
Guest Preacher, Rev. Matt Finch, Pioneering and Church Planting Officer for the Methodist Church, is the preacher for this online worship service for Easter Day as we as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection.
Rev. Joan Pell is the preacher for this online worship service for Maundy Thursday as we remember Jesus’ last evening with his disciples before he was arrested and the command that he gave then to love one another.
The Venerable Rhiannon King, Archdeacon of Ipswich, is our guest preacher for this online worship service on the fifth Sunday in Lent.
Rev. Derek Grimsahw brings us this weeks printed service which can be read online or printed off
Rev. Ian Gardner is the preacher for this online worship service on Mothering Sunday, the fourth Sunday in Lent.
Rev David Keeble and the Worship band from Trinity Methodist Church in Felixstowe bring us this month’s contemporary worship service.
Rev. Andrew Sankey is the preacher for this online worship service on the third Sunday in Lent. In Lent this year we are focusing on the many promises that God has made to us.