Rev. Joan Pell is the preacher for this online Christmas service. Ideal to watch on 24/25/26th December.
Rev. Joan Pell is the preacher for this online Christmas service. Ideal to watch on 24/25/26th December.
This printed service for Christmas (24/25/26th December) is prepared by Rev. Joan Pell.
This printed service for the second Sunday in Advent is prepared by Rev. Jo Jacobs.
This weeks 10 minute service reflects on Isaiah 40 vs 30-31 and sing Strength will rise.
This weeks 10 minute service reflects on Isaiah 28:16 – Jesus our Cornerstone.
Rev. Joan Pell leads this online worship service for Good Friday as we remember the events of the crucifixion – as Jesus is tried and sentenced and lifted up and glorified that we might be Lifted Up by the Promise.
A service for 7th February prepared by Rev.Derek Grimshaw. This can be followed online or printed to read at your leisure
Rev. Jo Jacobs is the preacher for this online worship service as she talks about perseverance in our lives and on our faith journey and asks the question Are we Nearly There Yet? Scripture: Isaiah 49:13-16 and Acts 14:21-28. Hymns from Singing the Faith are numbers 28, 692 and 536. Video and audio available. .
Rev Derek Grimshaw brings us this weeks printed service which can be read online or printed.
A complete worship service for Epiphany Sunday to print out and use at home. God is with us! Come, let us worship Him. Prepared by Rev Derek Grimshaw.