
More than half-way through September now, it strikes me that it’s a month of transitions. The beginning of the Methodist and the School Year. New schools, new classes, new teachers, new friends, new activities. A new season – the Fall (of the leaf) as opposed to the Spring (of the leaf) or autumn as we more commonly call it in England. Fruits arrive and leaves are dropped. Colours change from yellows and greens to oranges and browns. Animals prepare to hoard and hunt for the winter. Some prepare to sleep. Spiders seem to be more active. We feel the coolness of the air and damp begins to linger. We put away summer shorts and dresses and dig out woolly jumpers and fleeces.

There is a shift in TV programming and adverts to reflect longer evenings and less inclination to spend evenings away from the screen. Less salad is consumed, more soups and stews are made. Less ice cream, more hot chocolate. The equinox arrives – day and night are the same length as the evenings shorten and sun dawns later, imperceptibly affecting the cycles of nature.

Change happens all around us.

It’s futile to fight against it – however much we may prefer the long balmy evenings and restful summer vacations. We need to embrace the changes and move with them in order to be comfortable and make the most of what life offers.

Are there changes coming in your life which You are struggling to come to terms with? One thing You can be sure of is that God never changes. His love remains constant and He will be with You and see You through any changes You have to go through. Nothing is too big or too small for Him. No worry is too trivial or overwhelming. Come to Him, tell Him all about it and snuggle in His care for You. Let Him hug You and enfold You with His love and peace. Then all changes will, in the end, be changes for the better.

Remember, Romans 8:28 “We know that in all things God works for good for those who love Him.”