Self worth

A very happy New Year to you all, whoever you are, reading this.

When we look back over a year that has closed, we are faced with a blend of recollections we like, and those we prefer to forget. There are likely to be some aspects of the past that we had barely noticed at the time that come back later, to delight or to haunt.

In 2024 the world of hymnody saw that death of the giant of the twentieth century, Timothy Dudley-Smith. He wrote many texts that have come into regular use and some, like ‘Lord for the years’ or ‘Tell out my soul’ are now classic favourites. I have always respected the work and writings of the former bishop, who, when I was fortunate to be introduced to him by a mutual friend a few years ago, turned out to be the most gracious and self-effacing of people.

Many years ago, when being interviewed, TD-S reportedly said, “I have found places in myself I did not know were there”. The extract continued, ‘He expressed this sentiment in the context of his songwriting, particularly in an interview with Donald E. Hustad published in the book Jubilate! Church Music in the Evangelical Tradition (1981). The quote reflects his discovery of deeper aspects of his creativity and spiritual experience through the process of hymn writing.’

When we look at ourselves and our work, past achievements stand out and future commitments may be daunting. We may look back with pride and but forward with nervousness. We may doubt ourselves for the future. This new year, look back and seek out the thing you achieved despite not believing you could or that went unnoticed but with hindsight appears significant. Look forward again and remind yourself that even though you may not have a clue how it will occur, you can do things with God’s help that you would not have thought possible.

As we step into 2025, cautiously or confidently, let us remind us of our place and strength in the world.

‘Lord for ourselves; in living power remake us –
Self on the cross and Christ upon the throne;
Past put behind us, for the future take us,
Lord of our lives, to live for Christ alone.’

A prayer

Lord Jesus, thank you for your presence beside me and your Spirit’s power within me in past days. Thank you when you enabled me to be more than I thought possible. In the days ahead, make me confident, not in my ability but in your enabling within me that nothing may be too much, no mountain too high nor night too dark for my progress along life’s way. May my living be a gift to you and to others, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.