
My husband and I recently had my son’s dog for the weekend whilst he and his wife attended a friend’s wedding. We are not dog owner’s and had to prepare for the visit by finding all the potential areas of escape. Fortunately, Bill, (the dog), is familiar with us and our home. Having blocked up any gaps in fences, hedges, or under gates, I thought we were secure. You’ve guessed it, Bill found that gap in the hedge that was just the right fit for a dog and off he went for an explore. He did come back, but only after some frantic name calling and whistling.

The next bit of excitement was when the lady who rents the field next to us deposited 50 sheep. Bill, who normally lives in south London was transfixed. He made some half-hearted attempts at the wire fence. The sheep, either didn’t notice him or weren’t bothered. I dread to think what would have happened had he got in amongst the sheep.

Self-control is the restraint exercised over our own impulses, emotions or desires.  I’m not sure that boxer dogs have any self-control. His natural impulse is to play, to chase, to hunt out.

How good are we at self-control? Do we sometimes act first and think later? Do we sometimes put ourselves and our own desires before those of others?

Self-control is another of the fruits of the Spirit. It’s about putting others before ourselves, about not letting our own desires govern what we think, or say or do.

I love playing with Bill, but would not let him near those sheep.

Self-control does not have to be hard, or a drudgery, we can have fun whilst still putting others before ourselves.

Prayer: Loving Father, help us to display self-control in ways that do not make us appear self-righteous, but in ways that serve others. Help us to put our own impulses and desires secondary to serving you through our interactions with others. AMEN