Scripture Twisting

Scripture Twisting : twenty ways the cults misread the Bible by James W Sire IVP Books, 1980
180 pages £14 ISBN 978 0 877 846 116

That there are so many competing religions and philosophies with ardent followers is sign enough
of hunger for the meaning of life, spiritual satisfaction and moral certainty – as the experience of so
many shows. It behoves mainstream Christian believers of whatever tradition therefore not just to
know their faith but also to be aware of the differences from orthodox faith presented by the cults.
In this instructive work James Sire offers a valuable guide to the many and devious ways that
Scripture may be twisted to back up a particular philosophy or point of view. I suppose it’s a tribute
to the status and general authority widely enjoyed by the Bible that it is used (or rather, misused,)
by so many to suit their own purposes or propaganda.

The cults and religions examined here in relation to their use of Scripture include the Mormons,
Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mary Baker Eddy and Christian Science, eastern religions – the Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi in particular,, Hare Krishna,Hinduism, Buddhism, Theosophy, Swedenborg, the
Unification Church (the Moonies), and last, but not least, Erich van Daniken (Chariot of the gods).
The author identifies twenty different ways of misreading Scripture which, one way or another, lead
to the unorthodox views held and promulgated by the cults and by some other, non-Christian

Preachers in training are often reminded that taking a text out of context is to make a pretext of it.
Context, as we are told in the book, is always an important and necessary element of interpretation.
Amongst the many misuses of the Judaeo-Christian Scriptures treated by James Sir are inaccurate
quotations, twisted translations, playing with words, selective citing, esoteric interpretations – and
fifteen more – twenty twists in all.

The well documented notes at the end of the book provide ample references both to the Bible itself
and the various source documents of the cults and religions.
Read this book and discover how easy it is to spread confusion and lead the gullible astray. After
which use a reliable commentary alongside the Word of God and by so doing, be more sure of your