Suprise !!

I received a parcel in the post the other day which had a typed label and no indication on the wrapper who it was from, I was mystified by it – I hadn’t ordered anything and it wasn’t my birthday. Inside the outer wrapper was another one which also had my name on it but the address was the Close in which we live but not our number and obviously those who received it had kindly returned it to the post office who had tried to fathom who the parcel was meant for and delivered it to me.

Still unaware of who this mysterious parcel had come from I opened it.  The parcel contained a scarf, (see picture), and a note from a dear friend who lives in a care home saying that she hoped I liked the scarf but she had been “confined to barracks since March” and unable to get out to shop for presents so had knitted me a scarf for Christmas, she hoped I liked it.  What a wonderful surprise – the wrong number on the parcel meant that though she had got someone to post it in December I hadn’t received it until January but that made it even more special because it was so unexpected.  To think that she had taken time – and it probably took her a lot of time as her hands are very arthritic so knitting is quite painful – made me feel really humbled.

I immediately rang her to thank her and explained why I hadn’t done so earlier, it was such a kind thought of hers to make a present for me, its receipt was good timing too as the weather forecast was predicting some wintery weather over the next few days.  We had quite a long chat and it was lovely to catch up.

When I go out for my daily exercise, I wear my scarf with pride because it was made with such love and care.  I am very grateful to my friend and to the post office who, despite the wrong address on the initial parcel, had taken time to work out who the parcel belonged to and delivered it to me.

Thank you, Lord, that even in these difficult times when we are not able to do what we would usually do there are many people who go the extra mile to show others that they care. Help us to see the opportunities you give us to do the same and to act upon them.