
Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by a member from Capel

Seven years ago, at the beginning of Advent 2014, I received this.  It is a scan of my granddaughter at 3 months in the womb, dated 4th Dec 2014.

This scan made me realise afresh how Jesus came to this earth. At Advent we think of Him coming as a baby, born in a stable in Bethlehem. But His Advent (or coming) doesn’t begin a month before His birth but actually 9 months before that.

 I had never really thought about His time in the womb before.

The Bible tells of His conception by the power of the Holy Spirit, but little more until His birth.

Seeing that scan of my grandchild at a time when we were thinking about Advent, I thought of the wonder of Jesus Christ, Son of God, Almighty God Himself, the Word of God, who created everything, not only coming to earth as a baby, but as a miniscule embryo in Mary’s womb.       

 Three months later a tiny foetus like in this scan, still very vulnerable.          

And then growing through the weeks, to a fully formed baby, so that after nine months He could be born into this world, although still entirely dependent on His earthly parents.

This is the eternal King of Kings, God Himself, who loved us so much, that He was willing to come from His throne in Glory to a young girl’s womb.

He became flesh – so vulnerable and precarious. He became one of us – living amongst us, Emmanuel, God with us. Our Saviour.

This Advent time, do we still wonder at all this? Does it fill us with awe and worship and great thankfulness? And what is our response?

If you have any contributions for thought of the day, please send them to