The recent announcement, in a local paper, that the Broomhill Lido (swimming people to people of my age) is to re-open in 2026 brought back a memory from around 70 years ago.

Before attending senior, and while at Primary, school in our final year we used to visit another swimming pool for “lessons” though I only recall splashing around. We were informed by our teacher that we had to be able to swim 10 yards before we could move to senior school. With hindsight, I am not sure if that was true but it inspired me to splash my way across the pool so the teacher could present me with my certificate.

In the summer, a group of us would cycle to the Lido and sit on the side to chat or enjoy the pool facilities. I was somewhat envious of those who could swim and use the diving boards. Conscious of my limitations, I decided to jump in – out of my depth – because I reasoned that if I was unable to swim, I would be able to grab the side of the pool.  Unfortunately, when I jumped in, I didn’t realise that I was slightly further away from the edge than planned. As I went under the water for the third time, I was feeling panicky, Unknown to me, one of my classmates on the other side of the pool, saw my predicament and quickly swam to my rescue and lifted me onto the safety of the poolside.

Sadly, I do not remember my saviour’s name, but I did express my gratitude, probably several times, that he not only saw me in trouble but acted promptly.

The words of an old chorus express that in the phrase-  “In my need Jesus found me, placed his loving arms round me”.  But occasional reminders of that incident challenge me as to my attitude toward a much greater Saviour – Jesus.

Another chorus encourages me to use the words –

Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul, thank you Lord for making me whole.

Thank you, Lord, for giving to me, Your great salvation so full and free.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, may we not only be grateful for what you have saved us from, but what you have saved us for. AMEN.