Safe in the storm

In an article for Youth Ministries magazine, a 14-year veteran of the Navy SEALs describes the colour-code system they use to indicate levels of combat readiness. Each stage has a parallel in spiritual warfare.

Condition White: The soldier is relaxed and day-dreaming, unaware of his surroundings. A Christian in this condition is easy prey for Satan.

Condition Yellow: The soldier is relaxed physically but alert mentally. A believer at this level may sense trouble coming, but he’s ready to confront it.

Condition Orange: The soldier is physically prepared, mentally alert, and ready to fight. A believer at this stage has on the full armour of God.

Condition Red: As in condition orange, the soldier is ready to fight. The difference is experience. A battle-seasoned Christian knows quickly what to do because of his experience and familiarity with Scripture.

If we stay alert and armed, we can fend off Satan’s most powerful attacks.

On Sunday I felt as if I was putting on a different sort of armour when I went outside in the blowing snow. A warm hat, coat, boots and gloves. Not a lot of my face was visible and my glasses were steamed up and covered in snow.

I was quite protected and I had the reassurance of my walking pole to keep me upright.

We can be thankful that our Lord keeps us upright and safe in the storms of life.