
Thought for the day – Saturday 20th June 2020

I love roses, which is just as well because when we moved to our bungalow 14 years ago there were many rose bushes.  Over the years we have also added to them when we have had special birthdays or anniversaries.  After I had organised the Committee to celebrate Museum Street Methodist Church’s 150th Anniversary they very kindly gave me a rose.  

It is called BLESSING and is a deep pink and has been lovely this year.  It continually reminds me of all the Blessings we have, particularly now when many of us are getting a little tired of being in lockdown.

We have our health, even if we take tablets to manage our health, we can hear and see the birds, the gardens look lovely and we have the sunshine.

We are so fortunate and are really blessed.

Jesus promised us that he would be with us all the time and we need to hold on to that promise and be thankful and, like my rose, feel blessed.