Rogues, Scoundrels & Scallywags of Scripture


This series of “Thoughts for the Day” is inspired by the study series, NOTORIOUS, written by Jeff Lucas. He and Pastor Brent discuss 9 different characters from the Bible who we would possibly call rogues, scoundrels or scallywags. Each one however can teach us something of our faith.

JEZEBEL – was the wife of King Ahab. It was a political alliance, joining the nations of Israel and Phonecia against the Syrian empire. This brought with it outside religions and the king was soon worshipping false idols instead of God. Jezebel was the arch manipulator and sworn enemy of Elijah. King Ahab asks Naboth for his vineyard, but Naboth refuses stating that God has told him not to sell land of his ancestors. Ahab is angry and sulk in his palace. Jezebel tells Ahab is weak, and then manufactures the death of Naboth under a trumped up charge of treason, just so that her husband could have Naboth’s vineyard.

And Jezebel’s scheming and manipulation doesn’t end there. When her own death is looking imminent, she dresses her hair and puts on her makeup in a futile attempt to seduce her accuser.

The name Jezebel is synonymous throughout the New Testament with manipulation, seduction and treachery.

We are all capable of influencing others, in our conversations and our everyday encounters. There is even a job title of “Influencer”! An “Influencer” is someone who has the ability to persuade their audience one way or another.

Do we use our influence to encourage and nurture others?

What legacy do we leave?

PRAYER: Almighty God, help us to use our encounters with others to bring about good, to speak of your love, to encourage and nurture those whom we meet. AMEN