This series of “Thoughts for the Day” is inspired by the study series, NOTORIOUS, written by Jeff Lucas. He and Pastor Brent discuss 9 different characters from the Bible who we would possibly call rogues, scoundrels or scallywags. Each one however can teach us something of our faith.
THE ELDER BROTHER – Do you like to party?
This man liked to party, with his friends, but his father had never permitted him to; and when his father holds a party for his younger brother, that really “takes the biscuit”and he stubbornly refuses to join in.
The story of the Prodigal son in Luke’s gospel is also known as the Lost son, and is after 2 other stories of loss – lost sheep and lost coins.
But which son is lost? We often concentrate on the younger son. However the older son is also lost. He is lost in so many different ways.
When his wayward younger brother returns home, begging for forgiveness, prepared to take the lowliest of jobs, instead of rejoicing and welcoming his younger brother back, the older brother wastes no time in pointing out how hard he has worked, how he has never asked for reward, how he has never asked to be able to hold a party. He even insults his father, inferring that his father has treated him as a slave.
The older brother is selfish, arrogant, judgemental and proud.
Are we sometimes like that? Do we sometimes resent the success of others? Do we wish to exclude others and only “party” with our friends? Do we let “our hair down” and celebrate with God?
PRAYER: Loving Father, you welcome all who are lost and run out to meet them. You are ecstatic at one person coming back to you. Help us in to celebrate and not resent when others do well. Help us to join in the party even though we are not at the centre. AMEN