
Over the last 2 years I have been meeting with friends from around the Ipswich Circuit and beyond for a time of Reflection & Prayer, led by Sue France. This has been done from the comfort of our own homes on a Monday morning, some of us eating our porridge, (and possibly some of us still in our pyjamas – shh!) We reflect on a word and associated images and then share in a time of open prayer both spoken and silent. This series of T4TD is based on this idea.


How much of a risk taker are you? Would you dare to ask for the impossible? What are the risks worth taking? Some risks are dangerous or foolish, others require a “step of faith”.

Esther was a beautiful Jewish woman who attracted the attention of King Xerxes. He made her his wife, fully aware of her Jewish heritage. Haman, the king’s second in command, meanwhile had tricked the king into issuing a decree ordering the execution of all Jewish people.

Esther dares to risk her life to save not only herself but all the Jewish people. She invites both the king and Haman to a banquet where the king promises to give Esther whatever she desires, “f I have found favour with you, your majesty, and if it pleases you, grant me my life-this is my petition. And spare my people – this is my request.”And so the Jewish people are spared – and Haman meets a sticky end.

Because of Esther’s courageous act,in speaking out, an entire nation is spared. She saw her God-given opportunity and dared to ask.

Does God put opportunities your way? Perhaps God has prepared you for “just a time as this”? Do you dare take the risk?