
A business man was reflecting on his position whilst sitting in church. He took time to pray to Jesus. “I have used my talents, started several businesses up, made them profitable with big dividends for the shareholders. I attend church every Sunday, give regularly, support the church mission work. Why do I still feel unfulfilled? What must I do to be assured of eternal life?”

He heard a still small voice, “you know my commandments, do not steal or lie, do not commit adultery, do not murder – have you kept these commandments?”

“yes, you know I have kept each one of these.”

“then there is one more thing you must do – sell your businesses and give all the proceeds to the homeless, the marginalised, those who are struggling to choose between buying food or paying the electricity bill. If you do this then you will receive dividends that can never be lost – dividends in heaven.”

He felt like he had been thumped around the head, surely he wasn’t meant to give up all he had worked hard to acquire? To ask his family to adjust their standard of living, move to a smaller house, get rid of one or more of the cars, forgo the family holidays abroad? He would have to think long and hard about this.

He wasn’t sure he wanted to pay the cost of following Jesus that closely.

How much do we trust Jesus?

How far are we prepared to go along the path that Jesus lays out for us?

There will be some people who have nothing financially to give, and others who have much.

The message here is loving Jesus without holding back is all that is needed.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, there are things that we want to hold on to that put a barrier between ourselves and you. Help us to see that even though following you has a cost, we will reap the benefits and more when we meet you in heaven. Help us to put our personal priorities to one side and to give generously to those in need. AMEN