
At work, when my colleagues talk about resource, or more often than not, the lack of resource, they are often referring euphemistically to time or people. Quite why people find it necessary to say that ‘finding resource is challenging’ when they could say ‘I haven’t got time’ is interesting.

Having written about holidays and renewals in the last couple of weeks, here is another angle on keeping fresh and ‘with it’ (relatively). When I think about resources in this context I am usually thinking about published material that can help me stay up to date and challenge me too. The daily newspaper (or news in other formats) is one extreme and well written books of all sorts are at the other end of the spectrum.

The Baptist Union, Methodist and United Reformed Churches work jointly on some of the big issues of the day and provide an annual calendar of special focus days. Some are familiar, like the Week of Prayer for World Peace, while others are not necessarily in our minds. The Joint Public Issues Team website is  great place to go to be reminded of some of the uncomfortable issues in the world that need attention.

Being part of a Local Ecumenical Project means that in Framlingham means we have access to materials published by both parent denominations. Some of us find that a double benefit while others see it as a doubling of things to sigh and mutter about. The Methodist and United Reformed Churches both publish prayer handbooks and both are excellent. Time spent on these resources is usually repaid in blessing received.

We all need stimulation and inspiration to help us work out what we think about things. Sometimes it is helpful to read material with which we profoundly disagree in order to solidify our own views and reasoning.

Wherever you go for resources to broaden your mind and thinking, has to help you, or it is a waste of time. If you have never come across the JPIT, do have a look at their website. www.

A Prayer

God of the big picture and the wide view, of all the issues and of my individual concerns, thank you for the many ways in which my mind is continually opened and stretched. Give me the grace to rethink my prejudices and discover more where I am ignorant. Protect me from narrow minded insularity and selfishness for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.